Monday, 6 August 2012

I can see clearly now

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see
when you take your eyes off your goal."
                                                                Henry Ford

This definitely describes what happens to me. Not so much when I was younger, but now....
So today's plan is not to take my eyes off the goal, (of which there are several!!!), and to push aside any of those nasty obstacles that threaten to derail my plans.

The Sproglets visited The Cookschool @ Stepwell last week and learnt to make Minestrone soup, Pizza and hot chocolate. As proof of their new found culinary skills I asked them to recreate the menu for us all.


All I can say is that Allison (their teacher) must have have had the patience of a saint.
Still after almost 4 hours of chopping, weighing, mixing and kneading we had a fab meal set before us. Wish I had taken some photos of the pizzas but they were scoffed as soon as they appeared from the oven.

Washing and chopping

30 minutes to chop 2 cloves of garlic!

Finished article

I still haven't found any time to craft so having wrestled the laptop from the Sproglets I will show you photos of the second configurations box made for the class at Craftworld.

I'm not sure which one that I like the best.

Maybe I'll go try make something today, if I can get round the obstacles!!

Big hugs


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