Monday, 30 July 2012

A little bit of this....

"It's not enough to be busy,
the question is, what are we busy about?"
                                                  Henry David Thoreau

.......and a little bit of that.

I have been really busy doing up the other house ready for my mum to move into.
Still lots to do, but it is getting there. I've even taught #1 sproglet how to use the lawnmower.
This is the same child who doesn't know how to boil a kettle!!!
I did draw the line at him using the strimmer, I didn't want to wear out his wee brain.
#2 sproglet was as much help as an ashtray on a motorbike, and Mr Perfect was missing in action, but hey ho 1 out of 3 ain't bad. Meatloaf had more success than me!!

Sadly that means that in between the usual chores, the school uniform run part 1 (still shoes, shirts and trousers to get), and decorating there has been no time for crafting.

Instead I will share with you photos of the Tim Holtz configurations boxes that I made for a class I taught at Craftworld. The ladies who attended had a choice of making either a sewing or vintage box. The first is the sewing themed configurations box.


Hopefully I'll manage to get the photos of the Vintage Configurations Box posted soon, if the sproglets stop hogging the computer.

Big hugs

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous Karen! And I love the new watermark ;)

    See sproglets are useful. Sometimes....


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