Friday, 30 March 2012

The Glasgow Marathon

The weather this week has been absolutely fantastic, so very little tidying up has actually taken place. Now there's a big surprise. I have spent most of my spare time in the garden prepping for classes and reading books. I'm on the forth book in the Game of Thrones saga, with only 3 more to go. Sooo... good and sooo... hard to put down. Also reading Stephen Kings, 11-22-1963. Glad to see he's back on top form. Anyway all done outside, no point in letting all that good sunshine go to waste.

I did spend some time on the ribbon tidy, but there are quite a few more reels and packets still to find a home on it. That will be a job to finish when the sun disappears!!!

So far, so good

I'm not sure that anyone needs this amount of ribbon, but I just love the colours.

Everyone in Thursdays marathon class deserves a round of applause. The class overran by an hour, which is a lot even by my standards. I had this rash notion that everyone would just start with sheets of card which would allow them to cut and measure their own box before assembling and decorating it. Doing it this way had taken me just over an hour, so I felt sure that we could all accomplish it within the 2 hours.
 Suffice to say that a rethink was in order before the next class!!

 But with a little "huffing and puffing" everyone got there in the end. Sorry ladies for almost giving you a breakdown, but I did love Chris' comment that she would have felt short changed if it had run to time!

"Super Troupers"
Margaret, Janet, Ruth (back), Ester, Clare, Moira, Chris and Nancy

Ruth went home and put everything into practice, making another beautiful easel box card only this time in her favourite colour, purple.

Well back to the grindstone. I have another 48 large scalloped squares to cut out on my Big Shot before The Mentalist starts in 45 minutes.


Big hugs

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