Tuesday, 8 March 2011

How did that happen?

I just don't know! Turned my back for a moment, (well ok a 4.45 hour homework moment), and the stash/ooze had climbed the table leg and spread out over the top of the kitchen table. It's still there as I'm trying to complete the class kits for Thursday night. Am now starting to worry that it will creep up the stairs and smother me while I'm sleeping!! Truth be told it has already crept up the stairs, hence the reason I'm not using my craft room, as it's full to overflowing. Have decided that waiting for the TTUF to return might be a waste of time, so instead I'm going to wish for some superheroes to help out. Watch this space!!
Did a nice simple card for small sproglets birthday using some of Tim's stamps and a borrowed idea.

Small sproglet is a rock loving guitarist who thought his card was "way cool". I assume that's a compliment. The guitar is an earring from Claire's (great place for bits and bobs), and the eleven is made using TSS Rock Star black metal and a Crafts Too embossing folder. Hope you like it.

Big hugs


  1. That's a fab card Karen. Never thought of Claire's as a place to get stash though!! I avoid it like the plague cos I thought it was all girly rubbish!!!!

  2. Helllooooooo Mrs!! I found you via Susans blog when i saw the picci i thought i know that face LOL. Great to see that you have joined blogland!

    Ali x

  3. Karen, there's an award for you on my blog!

  4. When I first looked at this card I wondered why you had put a chipmunk on it with glasses on!! it's been a very long and tiring day!!!! What a numpty I am

  5. Hi Rufus. Funny thing that, but I'd never noticed the chipmunk before, but I can see it now. Hee Hee
    So glad you found your way here Ali, have followed your blog for a while. x
    Susan, thanks so much for the award! Will work out how to put it on and let you know.I know it's boys you've got but I can't believe that you've mot mooched in Clare's for stash additions. Am sure they have a huge range of your favourite pink butterflies!!!


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