Thursday, 24 February 2011

Have you seen her?

Not for the first time and I'm pretty sure not for the last, the Craft Fairy and the Tidy Up Fairy have parted company. They used to hunt in pairs around here, but for quite some time The Craft Fairy (TCF) has been on her own, deserted by the The Tidy Up Fairy (TTUF). I may need to post a reward for the return of TTUF. My craft room has been so overwhelmed that it is now unusable and to gain entry to it is a pretty treacherous affair. So crafting had shipped out to the kitchen table. But alas no longer!! Mr Perfect & Sproglets have become so fed up falling over things on the kitchen floor (and being unable to get their dinner plates on the table), that I have been issued with an ultimatum. Come Monday, if there is no improvement, he will start to sell my stuff on e-bay. I have been warned.

Behind my kitchen chair!
I have to make some room for my new Vagabond machine which should come within the next few days. I know I always said that I wouldn't buy a motorised die cutting machine, but after cutting about 160 card and grunge board trees, birds and cages for the last classes, I have changed my mind.
Anyway, must stop wittering and start tidying. Will keep you informed of any progress!!

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Something I did a little earlier. I love Sizzix die cuts.

Big hugs


  1. If you should ever come across either of the above named fairies, please send them my way when you've finished with them! xx

  2. Not before she sends them my way! Last I heard they were hiding out with the housework fairy, and certainly not at mine!!!xx

  3. Well that's not very nice. What do these fairies think they're on?!


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